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Kamis, 27 Februari 2014

biografi bahasa jawa

            Sukiyat utawa kang kerep diceluk Kiyat menika salah siji petani iwak lan PPL ing tlatah Kulon Progo. Sukiyat kuwi lair ing Kulon Progo, 25 April 1962. Sukiyat putrane Bapak Amat Djalil putra sing nomor 5 saka 9. Sukiyat nikah karo Duminingsih lan gadhah putra loro. Sukiyat makarya dadi pegawai PPL Perikanan lan Kelautan ana ing kecamatan Wates.
            Wiwit cilik sukiyat wis nemoni prihatin, karo bapakne dilatih nyambut gawe kon ngrewangi madhahi wit jeruk ana ing polyback. Anggone kulakan winih jeruk ana ing Purworejo ngepit karo bapakne. Sukiyat nglekasi sekolah ana ing SD N 3 Sentolo banjur neruske ana ing SMP Muhammadiyah 1 Sentolo. Banjur daftar SPMA, sasuwene anggone sekolah Sukiyat salah sijining murid kang nduweni prestasi, oleh rangking apik terus. Sak wise lulus SPMA taun 1982 dheweke langsung daftar dadi PPL Perikanan lan ditampa dipanggonake ing Gunung Kidul 8 taun. Banjur dipindah ana ing Kulon Progo nganti saiki.
            Sukiyat nglekasi ngingu lan bibitake lele taun 1996. Anggone bibite lele ana ing tabone bapakne lan nduwe pirang-pirang kolam. Gawean ngingu lele kuwi mung didadekake samben lan kanggo nerape ilmune ora mung dikandhake nang petanine. Anggone bibit lele Sukiyat kerep nemoni rugi lan bathi. Dheweke kudu bolak-balik ngulon ngetan niliki kolame amarga wiwit kuwi Sukiyat lan kaluargane durung duwe omah dewe, isih ngontrak ana ing Klangon. Suwe anggone ngontak kurang luwih 11 taun.
            Yen pas akeh pesenan lan ora bisa nampa kabeh, dheweke ora mung ngandalake saka bibite dewe ugi saguh ngolekake lele tekan ngendi-ngendi utawa pesen karo petanine. Sukiyat dadekake pengalaman anggone nyemplung lan praktek ternak lele mau kanggo diomonge marang petanine, ora mung teori ananging uga praktek dewe. Sakwise nduwe omah dewe Sukiyat ora mung bibitake lele, ugi ndeder grameh.  Anggone nernakake lele rada suda amarga yen pas ngendokake lele ora tau dadi. Tuku winih grameh cilik lan digedekake 2 minggu lan didol meneh, uga ngedekake grameh nganti setengah kiloan. Nganti saiki Sukiyat isih tetep ngingu iwak lan nduwe kelompok tani iwak ing dusune.

            Sasuwene dadi PPL Sukiyat nduweni prestasi apik dibuktekake oleh piala cacah loro.

review tex

The Raid

The Raid is Indonesia movie with the famous actor are Iko Uwais and Joy Taslim. This movie included full action movie. The movie tell about raid in a building and there are many gangster command in this building. Producer this movie is  Gareth Evans.
                 The movie begin when police come at building and will be raid the gangster. The building use to homebase form gangster.  They try entry the building, however, gangster know that the police came to raid them. Until eventually a shootout between police and gangster. The interesting part when all the police are dead except rama and three his friends, rama meet his brother andi who became the villain in the building. Than rama and andi come together and fight against the Mad Dog, two-on-one battle so interst. and they work together to defeat the Mad Dog and finally they succeeded. Then they look for to where the place of the boss Tama Riyadi. Tama Riyadi is boss of gangster. And they succeeded kill the boss Tama Riyadi.

                 I recommended this movie just for teeneger and up, because this movie tell about fighting and kill his enemy. Family’s relation had make them become together to defeat enemy.

Rabu, 26 Februari 2014

perbedaan MS PowerPoint 2003, 2007, 2010, dan 2013

Perbedaan MS. Power Point 2003, 2007, 2010, dan 2013

Tampilannya masih klasik
Tampilannya lebih baru daripada 2003
Tampilannya lebih minimalize
Tampilannya juga lebih minimalize
Masih ada menu File
Adanya office button
Office button lebih kecil ukurannya
Ada menu File dan Home
Tidak ada menu Home
Ada menu Home
Ada menu Home
Ada menu Home
Menu pulldown
Menu Ribbon
Menu Ribbon
Menu Ribbon
Untuk berpindah ke menu lain dg cara diklik menunya
Untuk berpindah ke menu lain dg cara dscroll
Untuk berpindah ke menu lain dg cara dscroll
Untuk berpindah ke menu lain dg cara dscroll
Smart Art, translation kurang lengkap
Smart Art, translation lebih lengkap dibanding 2003
Content yg terdiri dr design, smart art, translation lebih bagus
Content yg terdiri dr design, smart art, translation lebih lengkap
Terdapat pembatas pada toolbar tapi lebih jelas 2007
Pada ribbon terdapat pembatas yg jelas
Pembatasnya tidak ada
Pembatasnya tidak jelas
Tidak ada Quick Access Toolbar
Ada quick Access Toolbar
Ada quick Access Toolbar
Ada quick Access Toolbar
Formatnya .ppt
Formatnya .pptx
Formatnya .pptx
Formatnya .pptx
Toolbarnya ditampilkan secara vertikal
Toolbarnya ditampilkan secara horizontal
Toolbarnya ditampilkan secara horizontal
Toolbarnya ditampilkan secara horizontal

Explanation text

How to Plants The Vegetables
For plants vegetables not need large area. Previous plants the vegetables, prepare the tools and materials. Mattock, polyback,soil, vertilizer, water, and seeds.
Now, mix soil and vertilizer with mattock. Good vertilizer is from faces animals or leaves. Ratio between soil and water is two apeal 1.  Mixture must comparable with polyback size. Than fill polyback with mixture soil an vertilizer. Good capasity from polyback is ¾ from high polyback. Dont fill until full because not place for pour water than water will go out if you fill polyback until full. Okey, now make hole in a polyback for plant the seeds vegetables, the hole just one until five centimeter. Than take seeds from seeding. Plants the seeds into hole, the seeds must understand strudy. Finnaly pouring water the seed every morning and afternoon.
I hope you can plants vegetables in your home and not necessary buying for want cook vegetables. And the important, your vegetables always fresh and not contains dengerous product, and not need large area.